Can You Explain Employment Gap In Cover Letter

Can You Explain Employment Gap In Cover Letter. This is not possible if you are putting it in your cover letter. That's how i'd explain gaps in employment on a resume. Your cover letter is a great place to explain significant gaps in employment because it allows you to go into detail about how you used your time unemployed to prepare to return to the workforce.

Can You Explain Employment Gap In Cover Letter Images
This is How You Explain Gaps On Your Resume |

In my cover letter i said something like after spending time at home with my daughter born soon after passing boards, i am eager to begin my career as a registered nurse. If all the gaps in employment are explained honestly in the cover letter, a prospective employer will look more favorably on a candidate than if they find out the person did not tell the truth. If you learned a skill the employer needs and that otherwise wouldn't appear on your resume, include a mention in your cover letter of the new knowledge you acquired during the gap time.

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How to explain your employment gap without hurting your chances of getting the job. Whether or not you explicitly address your employment gap in your resume or cover letter, you should be prepared to talk about it in an interview. You don't need to go overboard or get into. Think through the best ways to address any work gaps, especially in your customized cover letters.